Saturday, July 28, 2007

Week 2 Term 3

Above are our favourite ice creams.

With this week being Maori Language week we have shared as a class what language we knew. A lot of us knew how to say the colours, simple commands and hello. Over the term we hope to build on this through songs and general classroom conversations.

This was a great lead into our topic this term which is celebrating how NZ is an island nation and that people came to live in New Zealand from other parts of the world and this continues to this day.

We sat and talked about what we thought New Zealand would have looked like before any people arrived here. Jamie N informed us that all the countries were together once and that they split. That people came over time first there were bugs, then dinosaurs and then people. Tor added that the tuatara is a living dinosaur. Lots of us thought there would have been a big forest and that there would have been no houses, no schools and NO TOYS.

Stories about Greedy cat have become a bit of a favourite in our class this week. Joy Cowley has written a number of books about Greedy cat and for the next few weeks, as a class we will be reading a number of the books she has written about him.
We predicted what Greedy cat liked to do and eat – and were surprised to find that although he liked mice he didn’t like them for dinner instead he liked to eat chocolate cake!!

On Wednesday one of the children from room 15 brought in her 12 week old kitten to show rooms 2 and 3. We all gathered together and sat in a circle. Initially the kitten called Clyde was a little bit scared however we all sat very quietly and before long he began to wander round finally settling next to one of the children in room 2 where he enjoyed all the attention he could get! We found out that Clyde likes to sleep in his special ‘cat house’ and his favourite food is fish. We decided Clyde wasn’t a greedy cat but that as he grows into a cat he might change his ways and become one!

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