Sunday, August 12, 2007

Week 4 Term 3

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This week Maria’s Nana (Jeanette) came to our classroom and showed us how to make korus in clay. Everyone enjoyed working with the clay and we made some very impressive korus. We took some home to show our families while Jeanette took our favourite pieces home with her to fire.

We have also spent the week investigating how the first people came to New Zealand . We discovered they came in waka’s and were guided by the stars and planets, as well as the migration patterns of the birds and whales. We recorded our new learning by making a wall display with room 2.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maria and her Nana had so much fun last week too! I saw the Koru's in the pottery waiting to be fired yesterday... did you know that the kiln (where they get fired) heats up to 1400 degrees celcius!!!
Have a lovely dad everyone, Maria is looking forward to seeing you all tomorow when she feels better x x Love Maria and Amy x x