Sunday, September 16, 2007

Week 9 Term 3

Here is a photo of the taniwha’s we painted last week.

This week we have been learning about Marae protocols as we prepare to visit the Awataha Marae next week. For many of us this will be our very first experience of entering a Marae

We have also continued to write information reports. This week we wrote one about the wood pigeon as they like the moa were used by the early Maori people as a source of food and their feathers used for cloaks. Two new podcast have been added on the right hand side of the page as two children ( Tor and Marie ) share their knowledge about the moa with us all.

The children are very proud of their art work and it can be viewed in the library this week . Orders to make these wonderful pieces of art work into cards and/or calendars need to be placed by the end of the week.

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