Saturday, October 27, 2007

Week 3 Term 4

This week we have all been trying to walk to school. Every day we walk to school we get a clip on ‘the foot’ attached to our school bag. We are aiming to walk for 20 days within a calendar month. Those who do will go in a draw for some special prizes.

On Friday those children who walk on the walking school bus got to walk to school with some very important people like – Mrs Heasman, Mr Peel, Police officers and members of the council as we launched our school involvement in the Travel wise programme.
All the children on the ‘walking bus’ got to have hot chocolate and a muffin. Below is a photo of the children in our class who catch the bus enjoying their morning treat.

Friday night we ventured out for the school’s Halloween disco. I think you’ll agree we all looked quite scary.

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