Friday, June 1, 2007

Week 6 Term 2

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This week we have looked at books and the metro water website to learn how the water from our dams is cleaned at treatment stations. We found out that aluminium sulphate is added to the water and any dirt clings to the particles of alum. The water is them sent to settling tanks where the dirt and alum form a layer of sludge. This sludge is then drained off.

We made sludge in our classroom using water milo and flour. We sprinkled the milo on the water and then added a layer of flour. The milo clung to the flour and sank to the bottom of the glass. We were fascinated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Helen, we are thrilled that Room 3 has their very own blogspot. We have looked at it so much with Tor over the past few weeks. Tor has been extremely proud to share the spot with family here and family in Norway, South Africa and England. Fantastic to meet all of Tor's friends and see what exciting activities are happening at school.
Much Appreciated
The Keeley Family