Monday, June 25, 2007

Week 9 Term 2

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Wow! This week we have watched with interest as the seeds have grown within our water cycle terrariums and talked about what we saw. E.g. Tia said “The water evaporated up to the top of the cup. It got stuck, it couldn’t get out and it rained”. Marie said “The soil got hot, water evaporated and it rained – the water got cold on the top.”

This week we have also looked at the Water Aid website. We looked at photos of people who in the past only had access to dirty water but who now have clean water in their villages thanks to the financial assistance of others. We looked at the children who had the job of collecting water and the time it takes for them to collect it – one girl spends 5 hours a day waiting for enough water to seep from the ground.

We can make a difference by helping to collect money to support projects to get water into villages in countries where water is scarce. Next Thursday all the children in the Kowhai team are going to wear blue and bring along a gold coin to place in a wishing well.The money we collect will be given to world vision.

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