Monday, July 23, 2007

Week 1 Term 3

It was great to see everyone back at school after the holidays and we welcomed four new children into our room. It has been an action packed week as we have settled back into school routines.

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On Thursdays we went the Bandwagon show where we got to see a lot of different types of instruments, sang and some of us even got up to play an instrument.

Every day this week we have read the story the ‘Giant’s ice cream’ It’s a great story and we particularly liked the part which said Ice cream ice cream yummy stuff, ice cream ice cream makes me tough. We wrote letters to our parents for permission to eat ice creams at school. On Friday we sat together as a class and ate the most delicious ice creams. In fact some of us thought they were scrumptious. It was a lovely way to end the first week of the term. We have also painted our favourite ice cream and these are on display in our room.

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Anonymous said...

Hi there!
Sounds like you have had a great first week back at school!
It is so lovely to see what Jeremiah and his class mates are learning about and experiencing each week!
Thank you!
Christie Houghton
(Jeremiah's godmother - London)

Anonymous said...

HI Northcote3

It's great being able to keep up with Jamie Ns progress and all the activities that he and his class mates are involved in.
We hope that not to many had to walk the plank when Captain Feathersword came into class.
He looked to be the most fearsome swash buckling pirate that ever sailed the seven seas!
We liked his cat story with the YUM YUM.
We are looking forward to our visit to Northcote Point in December and would like to call in on Northcote 3 and see the class for real.
Keep up the excellent work, looking forward to more Blog.

Malcolm & Betty Norris
(Nanna & Pops - Leicester UK)