Saturday, August 4, 2007

Week 3 Term 3

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This week we had a half hour session with a united soccer coach. He taught us some soccer skills and then we put these into action as we played some games.

We have also continued to enjoy reading stories about Greedy cat. This week we read the story – Greedy cat is hungry. Dearest Katie thought Greedy cat was hungry and fed him the sausages from the fridge!. We thought this was very funny as the cat food was on the shelf above the sausages. We painted our own greedy cats using sponges and decided what they like to do or eat. These are on display in our room.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! This blog is fantastic. Hopefully I will be able to view this blog next year and be update with all the wonderful learning experiences happening in room 3! Great job Helen.