Saturday, September 8, 2007

Week 8 Term 3

Here we are working on our calendar art. We have painted our trees using cardboard and sponges. The finished piece of work is made into a calendar and is available for sale later in the year.

This week we have read poems and books about the taniwha. We have written a description of our own taniwha and painted it. Below is a story we have read and enjoyed about the taniwha so much so that we have made a wall story about it.

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Our art work on the koru is now finished and on display in our room. We are all very proud of our work. It looks amazing.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Again Class 3, Auntie Deb from England here.

You have all been so busy over the last couple of weeks, what with the cross country and finishing your koru projects. I thought that the video cast and Jamie N's podcast were great.

It looks as if I am going to have to buy a calendar at the end of the year so make sure you save me one!

Have fun everyone and speak to you all again soon.

Jamie N's Auntie Deb.