Sunday, May 11, 2008

Week 1 Term 2 2008

This week we were delighted to look at an email sent by ‘the butterfly lady’ with photos attached of a butterfly being tagged. We have also looked at comments left on our blog – it’s so exciting to be left messages.

We recapped our learning from last term and made a shopping list of all the things we needed to buy at the garden centre. Every class sent a representative to the garden centre. We were all keen to go so after a discussion it was decided to pull a name out of a box of all the names in our class. Using this approach Kaiyu became our representative.

On Wednesday afternoon with our shopping list in hand Kaiyu went to the garden centre. At the garden centre the group spoke with Astrid – an expert on gardening. She provided the children with a pamphlet which explained which plants to plant to attract butterflies. Interestingly the pamphlet referred to the monarch butterfly site we had already looked at as a class. Astrid showed the children which flowers from the list that were available for planting and the children helped to load up the trolley with kale, verbena, and dianthus.

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Back at school – On Thursday Kaiyu and the other representatives talked about their experiences before we planted up our planter boxes. We all helped to fill the box with soil and to water the plants. It was a great afternoon. Mrs Heasman came out to see us and was very pleased. It was a great afternoon and at the end when we looked at our planter box and we felt very proud of our efforts. One of the children in the Totara Team walked by and said we’d made our school look beautiful. It was a fantastic way to conclude a wonderful inquiry on discovering our backyard.

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We have also displayed the butterfly art we finished at the end of last term. We have also begun working on kidpix again, this time to show the life cycle of a butterfly. We will post these when they are finished.

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1 comment:

Judy Hann said...

Hello Room 3
Delightful to see the work you have put in with your planter boxes. We will come and see them when we are up in July.

Lovely to have photos of the children with their bugs.

From Georgia's Nana Jude and Grandad Kev from Christchurch