Saturday, November 10, 2007

Week 7 Term 4

Our colourful rainbows and stunning poems are on display.

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This week we have enjoyed mixing colours. We have had a great deal of fun painting our hands with different colours, recording our handprints on paper then rubbing our hands together to see what colour it made. Very messy but lots of fun.

Similarly we have experimented using paint and paintbrushes with selected colours.

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Later in the week we talked about how the felts we use have different colours within them – so using filter paper and water we investigated.

We are all still fascinated with rainbows and the computer has come but just another place to make one – one of our class members was delighted to make this one.

Week 6 Term 4

This week we have finished our handprint rainbow and wrote a poem about the colours in the rainbow.
Photos of our individual rainbows and poem will be on our blog next week.

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Scientists once more we watched as hot water was poured on to a red cabbage. It was great to watch the water change from clear to purple.

Once we had 5 glasses of purple water we used 4 of them to experiment with.
Glass 1 we added baking powder
Glass 2 we added lemon juice
Glass 3 we didn’t add anything
Glass 4 we added vinegar
Glass 5 we added small pieces of soap.

We ended up with glasses of purple, green and red water – fascinating.
Glasses we added an acid to turned red
Glasses we added alkaline to turned bluey – green

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We have also displayed the work we did on the story ‘Just like me’ – our paintings are delightful. The story ends with
Look at the rainbow. Come and see. The rainbow is colourful and so are we!

Week 5 Term 4

This week we ran the school assembly. It was a fantastic experience as each of us had at least two opportunities to speak in front of the whole school using the microphone.

We joined up with rooms 2 and 3 again and had some fun making rainbow pictures, painting butterflies and making handprints so we can make a large rainbow in our shared space between our classrooms.

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There continues to be a lot of discussion about rainbows in our classroom and how a lot of rainbows we see in story books and even on our alphabet chart are not scientific. Rainbows have 7 colours not 6!

We are finding rainbows everywhere even on the computer.

Week 4 Term 4

This week we have enjoyed being scientists along with the children from rooms 1 and 2 as we have undertaken a few simple experiments and made some discoveries about rainbows.

We started by wandering outside with prisms and were excited to find rainbows on the ground. When we came inside we discussed what we’d seen and read about prisms in a book. We learnt that the bending of light through a prism is called refraction.

Next we did an experiment with a torch, mirror and water and by shining the torch on the mirror we could make a rather faint rainbow on the cardboard.

We have learnt that when you see a rainbow in the sky, it is caused by the sun shining through water droplets in the air. The water droplets are acting like tiny prisms. They cause the light to refract. The light spreads apart into the spectrum, the colours of the rainbow.

Later in the week we went outside and blew bubbles in the sun and kept a keen eye on them to see if we could see rainbows within them. It was so much fun we laughed a lot and chased the bubbles around our playground.

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During one of our discussions about rainbows I told the children that when the sun shone through my bathroom window in the morning a rainbow appeared on the bathroom wall and that it was circular in shape. Cate from our class suggested I take a photo of it so I did! The children were fascinated.