Friday, May 25, 2007

Week 5 Term2

This week we have looked at how water always flows downwards because of an invisible force called gravity which pulls everything towards the centre of the Earth. We went outside and had fun watching the water flow downhill. Some of us poured water down existing drains and some of us made a dam and a waterfall with the blocks.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Week 4 term 2

A week of looking at the water cycle.

The book Mrs Wishy washy day has become a firm favourite in our class this week. We have laughed every time we have read it. We washed not animals but clothes, put them outside to dry and predicted what would happen to them and WHY? Our knowledge of the water cycle was at our finger tips and words like evaporation and water vapour rolled off our lips. We really enjoy being scientist in room 3.

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Friday we ventured off on our trip to the rainforest express. It was a magical place with so much to see and do – we saw a lot of water- puddles, streams, river, waterfall, drains, water pipes, and dam. We also saw a wood pigeon and fantail. On the train trip we collected water from the stream, saw cave wetas and glow worms. It really was an action packed day.

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Friday, May 11, 2007

Week 3 Term 2

This week we have looked at how water is the only thing in the world that can be a gas, liquid and solid.

We watched water boil and put a mirror by it to see the steam. We made ice blocks, watching water as a liquid turn into a solid. We ate them and they were so yummy. We also put a balloon fill of water into the freezer. It froze and then we watched it melt. Most of us thought it would melt by morning tea (that’s one and half hours) but in fact it still hadn’t melted by the time we left school for the day. When Miss Cousins and I left school at 6 o’clock at night it still hadn’t completely melted!

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We wrote down what we had seen.

We filled up a balloon with water and put it in the freezer. The next day the balloon had frozen. The skin of the balloon popped. The ice was ‘Antarcticish’ and smooth. It began to melt.
By Jamie

We put water into the kettle. We saw the steam. We put the mirror near the steam. The mirror got wet. It rained.
By Logan

We made ice blocks. We ate the ice blocks. The ice blocks were yummy.
By Maria

Monday, May 7, 2007

Rain on the window

Last week we rushed to the window to watch the rain on the window. It was a great start to our inquiry on the water cycle.

We all shared what we knew about water.Marie told us that water has a surface and that it breaks when we swim.

We did an experiment-to show that water has a surface. Oh the fun we had

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