Sunday, July 15, 2007

Week 10 Term 2

This week has been so busy. On Tuesday we visited our principal Mrs Heasman and asked her permission to place the posters we’d made up around our block. She was most impressed with our work and said we could put them up – we felt so proud of ourselves.

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On Thursday all the children in the Kowhai team wore blue to school and put on a badge that reminded us how important water is. We went to the hall and each class shared something they had learnt this term – we chose to share our posters. After our turn we got to place our gold coin in the wishing well. As we left the hall we all got to pass by the wishing well and look at all the money we had raised to help others.

On Friday the Kowhai team presented the money we’d all raised to Judy – from world Vision. Judy talked to us about how the money we raised would make a difference to people in countries where access to fresh water is a problem. The stories she told us were so very interesting and it really was a fitting end to our unit on water.

As we headed off on holiday we once again were drawn to the window to see a wonderful rainbow - what more can I say -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love your blog spot room 3. You all look like you are having a great time!!
Keep up the great work!!

Jeremiah's Mum & Dad.