Sunday, March 16, 2008

Week 6 Term 1 2008

This week we wriggled into the classroom pretending to be worms making tunnels in the soil. It was great fun. We wrote from a worm’s perspective some of the things we did and liked. Grace shared with us that she’d made worms when she was at kindergarten – she showed us what to do and we all made one and painted it.
These are on display in our room.

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At the end of last week Jordan walked into the classroom and found a ladybug on her hand. This got us thinking – Josie wanted to know how many spots a ladybug had – Charlotte wanted to know how long they lived for. This week we have found information about ladybugs and have presented the information on a class y chart. We have also begun to make pet rock ladybugs.

Our lovely snail art work is finished and on display in our room. We did two one colourful to which we let our creative talents go wild and the other we used the good old teabag in water in attempt to get them to look like the snail we had sketched.

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Every Friday morning from 9:30- 11:00 we get together with the rest of the Kowhai team to take part in a range of activities. The children are able to move to any of the classrooms to take part in an activity that interests them. Below are some photos of the range of things the children in our class made.

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