Sunday, March 30, 2008

Week 8 Term 1

Our ladybug information reports are up. Below are the ladybugs that the children drew to go with their information reports

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We have read the book ‘the praying mantis’ and have enjoyed learning all about them. When we started this inquiry we found a praying mantis on our swan plant and it stayed on that swan plant for weeks. Tara wondered if the praying mantis and butterflies were friends.

We found this website and found an answer to Tara’s question - unfortunately the praying mantis and butterflies are not friends as the praying mantis eats butterflies.
We each drew a praying mantis and next week we will write an information report on them.

This week we have also looked at the differences and similarities between moths and butterflies. We have read books and looked at a website. We presented our findings using a Venn diagram.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs Rennie-Younger and Classroom 3:
It is awesome to see what you have been up to so far this term. I've really enjoyed looking at all the photos and art work. I'm going to send this link to Tony's Grandparents and also cousins who live around the world. They will love seeing what he is up to.

Tony's mum