Monday, March 24, 2008

Week 7 Term 1 2008

We started the week by making potato hedgehogs. We had to be very careful but it was a lot of fun. Afterwards we pretended to be reporters and were videoed as we each recorded a fact about a hedgehog.

Grace had been on a ladybug hunt in the weekend and had collected ladybugs for us to look at. We decided that they were looking a bit hungry so placed them on our old swan plant covered in aphids. We watched as they began to eat them!.

We also went on to this website

where we tried to save the rose plant by getting the ladybugs to eat the aphids.

We also finished making our pet ladybugs. Just look at our faces we were so very proud of our work.
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We have written information reports about ladybugs and drawn ladybugs flying. These will be on display in our room.

On Thursday room two shared some exciting news with us – they had found a weta on the carpet in their room. They brought it through to us and we let it out on a piece of cardboard and watched it scurry across the cardboard, and hang upside down inside the container. – wow.

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