Saturday, May 3, 2008

Week 11 Term 1 2008

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This week we have been busy investigating the cost of planting some flowers in a planter box. We emailed our Principal Mrs Heasman to seek permission. She sent us back an email to let us know we could plant some flowers and had some questions she wanted us to answer. We sent another email answering all her questions and to let her know that we are very excited about planting flowers in our school grounds. It will be a great way to start the term after the holidays.

We were very excited to get a message on our blog from ‘the butterfly lady’ and have sent her an email attaching photos of some of our work and have asked her if she has ever tagged a monarch butterfly.

We have also written some facts about butterflies and moths and the differences between them as well as something we knew that was the same about them. These facts are to go with the wonderful moths and butterflies we drew on the computer using kidpix. This work is on display in our classroom.

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Fiona Grant said...

Hi Room 3,
Thanks for your wonderful pictures and stories, I have posted a picture
on my blog for you.

Marnie said...

Dear Room 3,
Your blog is amazing. I have loved reading about your inquiry journey so much. I will subscribe to your blog so that I can read it every week. I am looking forward to your next post.
Marnie Thomas
Meadowbank School

Kirstin Anderson-McGhie (Keamac) said...

Dear Room 3
I have been to visit your blog for the very first time today. I think your blog is just fabulous - what clever cookies you all are. I love your beautiful butterfly pictures. I teach Year 5 children at Glamorgan School in Torbay. I am going to show your blog to my big children tomorrow.
From Mrs Anderson-McGhie

Anonymous said...

Hi Room 3

We think the flowers outside your classroom look beautiful and cheer everybody up in the rain.

Well done from
Maddy's mummy and daddy